Dolyak Signet + Watch Yourself + +7 vs. Physical upgrade with gladiator's armor, superior vigor/absorption/tactics, one piece of ascalon/knights, -2 damage reduction shield will reduce the damage done by an aatxe to about 20. Use Balanced Stance to avoid critical hits (because they will hurt). Use a sword, along with Riposte and Deadly Riposte to block Savage Slash or when you need to use whatever form of healing you bring down. That and when you see the word Gash appear. A 16 tactics healing signet restores 159 health, but the -40 armor may shy you away from it. Position the aatxe so that only one can attack you at a time.
Bring Gladiator's Defense, cannot stress that enough. It will drop grasping darkness very quickly although they're easy enough anyway. The only successful method I have found to bring down smites as a w/mo is Zealot's Fire. Combined with Riposte, Deadly Riposte, Healing Signet, and Gladiator's Defense you can stay healthy and slowly kill them with Zealot's Fire. Try to position the smites so that only a few can hit you but they're being hit by Zealot's Fire. Attack the smites since with Balanced Stance (when it's up) and Dolyak Signet prevent shield of judgement you from falling down. But make sure not to continuing attacking when they have Shield of Judgement up, switch targets. That way you can constantly trigger Watch Yourself and Riposte to activate Zealot's.
The only problem is that this is what you need for skills:
Gladiator's Defense - Tactics
Riposte - ""
Deadly Riposte - ""
Balanced Stance - ""
Watch Yourself - ""
Dolyak Signet - Strength
Healing Signet - Tactics
Zealot's Fire - Smite
Three different skill trees, and your going to want to have some points into your attacking weapon. It would probably be best to grab the sword with +5 energy from LA with a damage range of 14-21 (one off perfect on min and max). I'm not sure of the requirements however.
This probably won't work, but you never know. You will always be in stance so the collectors shield that I love so much with +45 health and -2 damage while in stance is nice.